Friday 10 June 2016

BLUE VIBE || How to style your short dress for an evening event

This dress is everything, and I decided to work it with two different looks, this is the elegant evening look, which can be worn for a date, dinner, cocktail, night out with the girls. Darling! The list is endless.

So, I thought to make 'magic'.

One of the wonderful things about this look is, it ability to flatter the wearer, and I believe in the popular quote which says "It is not just what you wear, but how you wear it".


I am in love with this dress, so expect another post on how I Styled it differently soon.

Zee baked my face to perfection.

I hope you enjoyed the post? If yes, kindly share your thoughts!

Thank you for viewing.

Stay Fashionable or stay in bed!

Dress: Gift (but, you can get the look from zara)
Clutch Purse: Sis's wardrobe
Shoes: Zara
Jewelry: Accessorizeme


  1. Luvly outfit ��

  2. Outstanding outfit, I think bae is getting a replica of this. ����������
